Monday, July 8, 2013

A trip to the dentist...

Just to let you guys know, I hate the dentist and I HATE needles. So waking up this morning knowing that I had to go to the dentist for some fillings just made my blood pressure go sky high and my anxiety level rise a few notches. I tried to think of other things and actually succeeded when I got to camp! When we got there we waited about 5 minutes until the other girls got there. Then we dived into App Inventor. Jade and I got the interface done, so all that's left is the programming. Except that we have a lot of programming to do....Dang. I need to work on it later... Anyhways, during our App Inventor time, we took a break and went outside to do the human knot. It wasn't as bad as the last time we did it. We actually made only one circle the first time! Then we did again and 4 girls made their own circle. Once we had ourselves un-knotted, we went inside to finish up App Inventor. We finished the questions and barely started on the program.

Then it was lunch time! I grabbed 2 slices of pizza before going out to meet my mom so she could drive me to the dreaded dentist. When we got there, we waited about 5 minutes before the lady called us back. I was seated in the dentist chair and immediately  had a swab with orajell put into my mouth where they would inject the numbing agent into me...*shudders* It was horrible when they got out the needle and told me to open my mouth. I had to breath deeply and clench my hands into fists before opened my mouth. It hurt a lot when they put the needle in. And then they didn't give me enough numbing stuff, so they had to inject me again before they could start. When I was mostly numb, they started drilling. After about half an hour, they were done. I was so glad when it was over.

Then I went back to camp. When I got there the girls were working on Alice. I opened Alice and started working on a walking method. I got it pretty good, too. Then we started working on the lego robots! I was happy when Analyssa told me that we could make the segway. we finished building it, but we still have to program it. Oh, well. That's something to do tomorrow.

And now for the prompt!

1) Favorite candy - Kit Kat
2) Favorite musician - Jimmy Eat World
3) Favorite flower - Red and pink roses
4) Favorite restaurant - Lorenzo's
5) Favorite snack - Pomogranets
6) Favorite drink - Strawberry banana smoothies! 
7) Favorite color - Electric blue
8) Favorite books - Divergent by Veronica Roth and Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi
9) Favorite animal - Gray Wolves
10) Favorite subject - Math


  1. guh. i too hate the dentist and apparently, i have an ortho appointment on the 12th not 22......god help meeeee
